Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE Alaska
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10.16.2013 - The 2014 Communicating Ocean Science Workshop will provide a special opportunity to ocean scientists, graduate students and outreach specialists to consider how they tell the story of their scientific research in a manner that is compelling and informative. For more information and to register for the free workshop, see  MORE >>
10.15.2013 - Join Dr. Lori Polasek and her research team as they travel to the remote coastline of Alaska to study walrus! Virtual field trip, available on CD-ROM and online, developed by COSEE-Alaska and the Alaska SeaLife Center.  MORE >>
10.15.2013 - Virtual field trip that immerses students in the important field of polar research! Join Dr. Rolf Gradinger and his team aboard the USGC Healy as they explore beneath the sea ice to discover how changing climate may impact the Bering Sea food web. Virtual field trip developed by Alaska SeaLife Center and COSEE-Alaska, available online or on CD-ROM. Click on "MORE" for link.  MORE >>
10.14.2013 - This two-day workshop will be a gathering place and launching pad to identify and respond to common issues for Community-Based Monitoring (CBM) in Alaska. Participants will hear from model programs, clarify top priorities for funders and community members, develop a set of guidance documents—including Best Practices and Lessons Learned—and network with others across the state who are interested in or are actively doing this work. Anyone interested in CBM of Alaska’s Coastal Environment is encouraged to participate—community members, funding organizations, organizations currently operating or considering operating a CBM, researchers, local governments, K–12 teachers, tribal representatives or extension agents. We hope to see you there! The workshop is co-sponsored by Alaska Sea Grant and the Alaska Ocean Observing System and will be held at the Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage. For more information, see the CBM Workshop website.  MORE >>
04.18.2011 - More than 40 Alaskan students participated in COSEE’s third annual ocean science fair, a “fair within a fair” at the Alaska Science & Engineering Fair in Anchorage on the weekend of March 19-20. The unique aspect of the ocean science fair was the requirement that the project focus on the ocean, watersheds, or climate climate change and the judging that took place on both scientific and cultural or community aspects of the project. Alaska Senator Begich presented the COSEE Alaska and other special science fair awards.  MORE >>
02.21.2011 - COSEE Alaska selected Robin Dublin as its new full-time Executive Director. She will begin work on July 1.  MORE >>
01.11.2011 - The Banana Slug String Band, an award-winning eco-band for children, announces the release of a unique new musical CD, ONLY ONE OCEAN, on January 11, 2011. The goal of the project: Outrageously good music that inspires youngsters and their families to learn about – and then take better care of – our precious ocean.  MORE >>
12.07.2010 - Communicating Ocean Science Workshop[[LINK||FILES:files/alaska/COSWorkshop2011agenda.pdf||Agenda.||||target=']]  MORE >>
11.15.2010 - MSL 694 Communicating Science - Ocean Sciences Focus This highly interactive two-credit course will allow you to gain hands-on experience with teaching and communicating research to school and public audiences. Learn to lead programs in school and museum settings, develop a podcast, and present your own science to your peers. Explore the theories behind effective teaching strategies that are based on the science of how people learn. Instructors, guest lecturers, and students will engage in modeling inquiry-based and active learning techniques through presentations and activities that address concepts in ocean sciences. Ten “lecture” periods will be highly active in nature followed by five sessions of educational practice in museum and field trip settings.  MORE >>
04.27.2010 - COSEE Alaska’s judges at the March 27 Alaska State Science and Engineering Fair were faced with a difficult task – to select award winners from among more than 50 projects. The judges included both elders and scientists who selected projects to judge for COSEE awards because they addressed a scientific problem and were also relevant to local culture or the coastal community. A project from Barrow, Alaska, which questioned whether it was colder or warmer inside empty apuyat (ice houses) vied with a “Silent Killer” project from Anchorage about whether or not ponds created to filter silt from highway runoff were functioning properly. Two girls from Unalaska, far out the Aleutian Chain, participated by Skype in a cyberfair. At the Awards Ceremony the next day, COSEE Alaska gave out $675 to 12 students at the elementary, middle school, and high school level, including the cyberfair participants. The first place award for a high school project went to Philip Sittichinli from Barrow who posed the question about the effect of a warming climate on bacterial growth on muktuk (whale blubber) in siqluaq (ice cellars) traditionally dug down to permafrost.  MORE >>
04.27.2010 - Join the COSEE Alaska Regional Resource Directory COSEE Alaska is creating a directory to link scientists seeking outreach and education opportunities with the educators and science outreach and media specialists who are their potential partners. The resource directory will be developed as an online, searchable database (with member access to protect the privacy of email addresses) and published as a hard-copy once a year for distribution at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium.  MORE >>
04.22.2010 - The COSEE Manual for Science Camps, Fairs, and Projects provides “how to” informationfor organizing fairs and camps and hundreds of science fair project ideas focused on the challenge of dealing with accelerating change as the effects of a warming climate ripple through Alaska’s ocean ecosystems, watersheds, and communities. Ocean science fairs are designed for the unique situation of Alaska's rural areas, where everyday life requires pragmatic scientific, and often traditional cultural knowledge, to survive and thrive. Ocean science fairs require that students not only engage in scientific inquiry but also in meaningful interactions with their culture or their community or both.  MORE >>
11.23.2009 - COSEE Alaska will sponsor a workshop on Monday, January 18, on Communicating Ocean Science (8am - noon) and co-sponsors a workshop on Ocean Acidification (9am - noon). An organizational meeting of the SEANET group follows from noon - 1 pm. COSEE-sponsored symposium luncheon programs feature the National Ocean Sciences Bowl on Tuesday, January 19, and a presentation on Google Earth (Ocean) on Thursday, January 21. COSEE will sponsor a final workshop on Friday, January 22 (8 - 10:30am), a hands-on session placing content on Google Earth (Ocean) with Charlotte Vick, Google Earth content manager. More information has been posted to the calendar on and on the symposium website  MORE >>
10.12.2009 - Join a network of ocean scientists, educators, and communicators involved in communicating about research in Alaska's seas! The goal of the group is to promote ocean and climate change literacy, sharing best practices, and integrating ocean science and local and traditional knowledge. Anyone can become a member by subscribing to the SEANET listserve or joining the SEANET group on the interactive Ocean SEANET networking site  MORE >>
09.18.2009 - UBC marine mammal researcher Andrew Trites partnered with Tonia Kushin and her class of 4th and 5th grade teacher in St. Paul to involve them in his project studying the effects of nutrition on growth rates of fur seal pups. In May, the students visited the pups at the Vancouver Aquarium and had the science field trip of a lifetime.  MORE >>
09.18.2009 - The winners of the first COSEE “ocean science fair” awards at the 2009 statewide science and engineering fair were high schoolers Taylor Everett and Grant Magdanz of Kotzebue for their project on sheefish feeding habits; middle schooler Kenesia Price from Unalaska for a project on water filtration and Hannah Joe from Mountain Village for a project on DNA of local berries; and elementary school student Sebastion Szweda-Mittlestadt of Girdwood for his project on the rates and effects of tides and the potential for tidal power. The awards came after the projects were judged on both their scientific content and their community and cultural relevance. The presence of these and 16 other ocean science projects at the statewide competition was the result of the efforts of the Alaska COSEE program. COSEE Alaska will provide planning assistance, support, and awards during the 2009/2010 school year.  MORE >>
09.18.2009 - How do you predict weather, wind, and waves in one of the most complex marine environments in Alaska? Scientists from several universities, including the University of Alaska Fairbanks, NOAA, and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory will put their models to the test July 19 - August 3, 2009 in Prince William Sound. Mountainous surroundings, notoriously stormy seas, and a complex system of freshwater flows from the land interacting with flows between the Sound and the Gulf of Alaska through a narrow entrance have made modeling the Sound an enormous challenge. COSEE Alaska and COSEE-NOW assisted with outreach and education about this exciting scientific project. For preliminary results, see  MORE >>
08.21.2009 - The same things that make Alaska’s marine waters among the most productive in the world may also make them the most vulnerable to ocean acidification. According to new findings by a University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist, Alaska’s oceans are becoming increasingly acidic, which could damage Alaska’s king crab and salmon fisheries.  MORE >>
02.27.2009 - Marilyn Sigman, a respected marine science educator from Homer, has been named marine education specialist for COSEE Alaskla, and the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program.  MORE >>
01.15.2009 - Alaska is the bellweather, the canary in the mine  MORE >>